Arthur Guiterman

Arthur Guiterman was an American poet and author known for his witty and humorous poetry. He was born on November 20, 1871, in Vienna, Austria, and immigrated to the United States with his family at a young age. Guiterman’s poetry often showcased clever wordplay, satirical observations, and light-hearted humor.

Guiterman began his career as a journalist and later turned to poetry. He published numerous collections of verse and became popular for his ability to entertain and uplift readers with his witty and accessible poetry. His works covered a wide range of topics, including love, nature, politics, and everyday life.

Here are a few quotes from Arthur Guiterman:

  1. “First dentistry was painless. Then bicycles were chainless, carriages were horseless, and many laws enforceless.”
  2. “The things that count most in life are the things that can’t be counted.”
  3. “The laugh’s on him who laughs last—to think the first laugh was the best!”
  4. “Beneath this stone a poet lies, or that’s what’s left of him.”
  5. “Our dreams are but the gay illusions of a troubled hour.”

While Arthur Guiterman’s poetry collections were numerous, here are five of his notable books:

  1. “The Laughing Muse” – A collection of Guiterman’s humorous and light-hearted poems, showcasing his witty observations on various aspects of life.
  2. “The Mirthful Lyre” – A compilation of humorous verses that blend satire, wordplay, and light-heartedness.
  3. “Ballads of Old New York” – Guiterman’s poetic homage to the history and characters of New York City, capturing its vibrant spirit and colorful past.
  4. “The Quixote and the Round Table” – A collection of humorous and satirical poems that reimagine classic literary characters and tales.
  5. “The Gale and the Gist” – A diverse collection of Guiterman’s poetry, ranging from whimsical and humorous to contemplative and philosophical.

These books represent Arthur Guiterman’s ability to bring joy, laughter, and wit through his poetic expressions. His works continue to entertain readers with their clever wordplay, satirical twists, and humorous insights into the world around us.

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