“A person who is here to stay with you for short term never let you focus on your long term goals.”

“A person who is here to stay with you for short term never let you focus on your long term goals.”

Some people may enter our lives for a short period of time but have a lasting impact on us. They may offer us comfort, support, fun, or excitement in the moment but distract us from pursuing our long term goals. They may not share our vision of the future or encourage us to grow and improve ourselves. They may even sabotage our efforts or undermine our confidence intentionally or unintentionally.

While it is natural to enjoy the company of such people temporarily they may not be good for us in the long run. We need to be careful not to lose sight of our dreams and aspirations because of them. We need to surround ourselves with people who inspire us motivate us challenge us and help us achieve our potential.

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